BRK Tales of Norway & the Northern Lights

One of my favorite aspects of running a dog boarding facility is talking with all of you when you drop-off or pick-up your dogs. I love hearing about your adventures near and far. So, during this Covid-19 pandemic, when we are all told to stay home, we wanted to share some of your great adventures. The first story we share comes from Sadie & Cooper’s family. Their story starts on a cruise in January, a time when I was still cleaning up from the holidays and my connection to a pandemic was only from movies.

Cooper & Sadie on a Nature Hike at Big River Kennels

Norway & The Northern Lights, by Donna

A great last-minute deal found us on a Viking cruise in Norway in late January to see Northern Lights.  When boarding the ship a simple question was if we had been sick in the last several days. No other precautions.  Friends that did the same cruise in February said they had their temperatures taken before they were allowed to board. So, precautions had started.  During our cruise, each stateroom got a letter stating that no one on board ship had been in China for the two previous weeks. But none of us probably thought how the virus would impact the world.

At any rate, while we were cruising daylight hours were very short.  Picture above was taken around 9:30 am in an area outside Bergen. 

Salmon is a big industry for the country.  Saw lots of the growing areas for the salmon while cruising.  We even toured a salmon museum in one of the stops.

Due to such a long season with little light, lots of houses keep a light burning in at least one window all day.  It was end of January but this house just looked like the perfect Christmas card. There was even a big dog sleeping on the porch.

Yes, we had warm clothes and needed them for the weather. Buses still drove all the tours around to their intended sights. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to deal with this when you want to use your car?

While in Tromso we signed up for a Northern Lights hunt that went out into the country.  We were gone from 6:00pm till 1:00am “hunting.” Saw lights at three different spots. Had soup and bread at a campfire in the snow.

This was taken with our guide’s GOOD camera.  With our iPhones and our naked eyes  we just could see faint green.

Sunset on a sea day.  I took way too many pictures of this as we moved along.

And we enjoyed getting the pic of the dog Christmas tree  while we were gone!

Last day headed to disembarking outside London.  I’d like to add that we’ve been to Norway in spring and summer too. It is a beautiful country to visit.